NEMo Trichloramine Monitor
Product Description
“No direct correlation exists between the trichloramine concentration in the indoor pool air and the corresponding value for the chemical parameter ‘combined chlorine’ in pool water.”
Dr. Ernst Stottmeister, German Federal Environmental Agency
There is a growing awareness of the importance in testing the air for disinfection byproduct formation (DBP), in addition to the traditional test for combined chlorine in the water. The practice of testing the air helps ensure that chemical treatment practices in the water and ventilation system operation are optimized. Higher levels of trichloramine (aka Nitrogen Trichloride) in the air can be a respiratory irritant and long term health risk. The NEMo Trichloramine Monitor allows a continues real time measurement using an innovative 24 hour sample cartridge. The NEMo monitors are a transformative leap in technology, it is now cost effective and practical to deploy testing and be able to measure the unhealthy chemicals in the air without having to contract a laboratory analysis service. Respiratory exposure safety limits are being recommended by the World Health Organization (maximum 0.5 mg/m3) as well as France and the UK (0.30 mg/m3). WorkSafe BC has recommended 0.35 mg/m3 as a limit. By default the NEMo also continuously monitors air temp, humidity, air pressure, CO2 and VLOC.
The NEMo XT TC is available for purchase, rental or on a subscription lease. Where high volumes of test cartridges are anticipated, the annual subscription includes a 1 year lease with the purchase of 200 or 365 trichloramine cartridges.
KIT540: NEMo TC Portable Monitor
KIT530: NEMo XT TC Fixed Monitoring Station
TRI012: Box of 25 Trichloramine Cartridges (24 hours each)
TRA011: Carry Case (single NEMo)
TRA010: Carry Case (dual NEMos)
MAI030: Annual Service
Add on sensor options: Light, Noise, Particulate Matter (PM1/2.5/10) are available on request
The free Profil’air Manager Windows Software program is required for data storage and viewing
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